Game theory is a study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers. According to this game theory, if life were a game and the world its playground, the strategy for you as a player is to make every move not to counter the other player’s move but every step mindfully taking you towards the way you want to end the game. By this strategy you are not reacting to events in life but responding consciously thereby in the larger context, where life is a non-zero sum game*, every action of yours is taking you closer to your ultimate purpose.
*Note: Zero-sum games are where there is a loser and winner with the sum of their fortunes adding up to a zero. In a Non zero-sum game, there are no losers or winners but eventually everyone gains turning it into a Win-win game.
Down the journey of my philosophical inquiry, Game theory has consistently fascinated me for its unorthodox yet spellbinding theory of its illustration on life and the strategic injunction on the art of living. Applying the principles of Game theory, your success is not an altruistic judgment but a self-actualization of raison d’être**. Your success is determined by your integrity to give wings to your dreams and bring to fruition your life’s vision.
**Note: raison d’être : the most important reason or purpose for someone or something’s existence.
We consistently see the youth and children being put in a state of confusion to compartmentalize the choices for career, life and hobbies. Game theory offers the much needed perspective to not compartmentalize our choices but look at life as a whole and every choice we make, every action of ours be it for career or personal life or hobbies are all integrated and aligned towards the way we see want to LIVE this life.
Among the innumerable choices, Travel as lifestyle is a viable CHOICE too. If “Someday Nomadic” or “Travel as a lifestyle” is the way one wants to end this game of life then as per game theory, every step we take now would be towards making that choice a reality.
Many a times we abandon our best choices due to the fear of unknown. Travel as a lifestyle is also one such choice which is relinquished as it is misconstrued as “Lifelong vacation” which only the richie-rich of this world can afford. This choice is also abandoned as it is not a popular life choice and not too many examples are available to us in our social circle to give us confidence to embark on this journey towards Travel as a lifestyle.
But not anymore !
Travel as a lifestyle is affordable for anyone who has made that choice, has empowered self to live that choice, who is adaptable and who sees the beauty and challenge to overcome the fear of unknown.
Stay tuned onto Someday Nomadic where we will bring you a make believe tales and guides towards Nomadic lifestyle. It shall guide you on the following:
- Draw inspirations from real life stories who are living Travel as a lifestyle
- On-boarding all those involved in our life towards this decision
- Prototype nomadic life whilst still being a native — Carving the possibilities of earning a living whilst on perpetual travel and start in small steps to evaluate its viability by working on those potential opportunities during weekends or sabbaticals
- Network with those who share similar interests for mentorship at varied levels of successes in living a nomadic life.
- Start small and work your way step-by-step and believe in yourself! Know that life is far more enduring than we think.
I am reminded of beautiful quote from “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” that describes the state in pursuit of answers…
“To see the world,
things dangerous to come to,
to see behind walls, draw closer,
to find each other, and to feel.
That is the purpose of life”