I am Archana Sundareshan, currently living in Bangalore – a Technologist, Writer, Photographer, Internationally certified Yoga Teacher, Philanthropist and “Someday a Nomadic”. I am a proud technologist who goes out there to the field everyday to obliterate time and space, bringing to life designs that shrinks the blue planet with the power of communications! I live the promise everyday as a engineer to rise the standards of this world empowering people across the globe to stay connected from anywhere to what matters to them the most!
Traveling on vacations during last decade has ensued such an enriching experience of life that I see a genesis of a growing desire within me for a perpetual nomadic life as a lifestyle!
I have battled the conundrum for long if I should quit my professional career as a technologist and set out as a perpetual nomadic, trying to earn a living via blogging or a career in travel journalism. As a function of time, I realized I could have my professional career as a technologist and still integrate travel into my lifestyle.
I say this with conviction as until 2010, I was a Technologist, Indian classical dancer beyond the familial roles I played. Since integrating travel into my lifestyle from 2011, I have uncovered so many facets of evoking a sense of fulfillment and yet leaving me intrigued for more travel. Every time I travel, something unknown about me came to be known. I started to develop enthusiasm for writing, photography, story telling, hiking which fructified into “Someday Nomadic” travel blog, many published articles/blogs on various platforms, award winning photographs and a book to my name titled “The moments I took a pause”. The longing to hike in Himalayas fueled me to pursue Yoga and propelled me to get my international certification as a Yoga teacher. Travels filled my heart with compassion, empathy and philanthropy was a natural consequence where I now teach English language to underprivileged girls from rural parts of India. Travel also has made me fearless embracing the adventures such as skydiving, scuba diving, paragliding, hiking, river rafting and filled me with a sense a abundance of positivity, joy and bliss that left no place for fear.
Travel to an eighth of the countries in the world could get so much of me and maximize the life experience…I am intrigued to see what life beholds and for more unknowns about me to come to light!
Someday Nomadic is a dream I collectively share with all those bubbling with wanderlust but have subdued the dream for long waiting for a “possibility” to show how to integrate travel into their lifestyle whilst keeping their professional career.
A campaign I am very passionate to exclusively drive through Someday Nomadic is educating children showing them an opportunity for “Travel as a lifestyle” through early inception of this idea that youth of tomorrow could live as a reality! I endeavor to bring my personal stories, philosophical inquiries down this journey and feature stories from around the world that will bring make-believe tales of successful nomadics which will serve as a guide towards “Travel integrated into the lifestyle whilst still having a professional career that pays”. The post pandemic world has turned years of debate or dreaming into months of action. It is not far fetched to dream of “Working from the mountains or beach”.
Someday Nomadic through partnerships with educational institutions, aims to serve as a guiding light and a support system for children and youth of tomorrow towards a career, a lifestyle that is about exploring, experiencing and yet earning a living while traveling the world.
An experience I haven’t been able to deny in traveling is about transcending illusionary hard identities, blur those lines that divide humanity and celebrate one world spirit! This is my trail so far and so much more to explore and experience…