Since the time clarity sunk in to me, I have woken up with a dream to travel the world. Whether you call it passion, life’s calling, bucket list, purpose, investment etc….for me it simply is a way to maximize *living*, filling life with vivid enriching experiences! It is to rebel the mundane and revolutionize the wanderlust! As my brother Thor Heyerdahl from another mother and another generation said —“Borders? I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people” , I too lived the one world fantasy, as if the world is my playground to explore and experience!
Here I am in 2020 March with summer holidays around the corner but no where to go! I don’t remember the time when I did not have a travel plan for summer. The world is grappling the COVID-19 pandemic and every country closing down their doors at the borders. I wake from my fantasy of “borders are in the mind” and now we see that the borders are for real! Bold, underscored and standing tall like a resilient fortress!
Initially, I thought the panic was unjustified! It was frustrating to see wings cut down and wheels drawn out. But as days progressed the data has only compelled me to see that the virus is here and and it is here now! The journey in the last couple of months from denial to acknowledgement with all the wrangles of logic and rationale, the pendulum of emotions and brooding, has got me to the horizon to look at life more clearly and with all its simplicity!
At the core of humanity, life is about living — purpose or no purpose! When we can see life stark naked, a transcendental clarity and wisdom sinks in, even amidst crisis with our adrenal glands charged up, fueled by the overflow of information for fight and not flight but quarantine! These are times when :
- Humanity will be compelled to see that, we are where we are because of the consequences of our own choices and actions…
- Humanity will learn the art of living with bare necessities and still feel gratitude for waking up the next morning …
- Humanity will be enlightened to come together like never before to fight a common enemy
- Humanity will fight its biggest battle and the only battle that matters which is of Life vs Death!
- Humanity will wake-up with a realization eventually on how interdependent we all are…the consequence from food choices of someone thousands of miles away, can leave you with depleted bank balance on one end of the horizon or lifeless on the other. As hard as we are holding up our borders as fortresses, when the enemy is dead, we will wake up with accountability for one and all looking at world as one world and one life!
On inclusively, it reminds of following quote from Thich Nhat Hanh, in “The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching”.
A flower is not a flower. It is made only of non-flower elements — sunshine, clouds, time, space, earth, minerals, gardeners, and so on. A true flower contains the whole universe. If we return any one of these non-flower elements to its source, there will be no flower. That is why we can say, “A rose is not a rose. That is why it is an authentic rose.” We have to remove our concept of rose if we want to touch the real rose.
During this long night cast by the Coronavirus, if we need to survive, we need to band together…else whatever the reasons may be that held us back, will not matter at the eyes of death!
In our battle against the Coronavirus, there is already enough advisories from the Government on travel, personal hygiene and social distancing, until a cure can found. It is imperative we co-operate with the Governments to contain the virus from spreading by following the advisories.
My 2 cents in this blog, is about strengthening yourself and those around you by building immunity!
Context: What is paramount in time of crisis is to maintain calm and composure and hence use the time whilst you are home-quarantined to equip yourself will tools and technology of yoga to get yourself fit – physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. Your only trusted armour is your immunity to fight the virus and here is an “20 Minutes – Anti Viral Avenger(AVA)” practice from yogic wisdom that you can supplement into your daily life to build inner strength that can come handy to fight viral infections.
20 Minutes – Anti Viral Avenger(AVA)” Yoga
When to do AVA Yoga Practice: Early morning(Empty stomach condition)
Step-1: Neem-Turmeric drink : Start the day with 1/4 tea spoon each of Neem and Turmeric, mixed with 1/4 glass of warm water and a tea spoon of honey. Anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-cancerous, anti-phlegm and importantly it balances the various imbalances in the body. Most of the lifestyle disorders are due to imbalances and this practice will set foundation for a balanced body which is key for health and fitness. Have this before the 20 minutes yoga practice in the morning described below.
Note: Kindly learn the kriya, pranayam and asanas under the able guidance of a trained Yoga teacher
Step-2: Warm up( 2 mins) Do spot jogging for two minutes to warm up. Do it slowly at your own pace to warm up.
Step-3 Jal neti kriya ( 2 mins): Kriya in yoga means internal cleansing. With nasal passage being one of the vulnerabilities to catch the viral infection, it is key to keep the passage cleansed and away from infections. Jal-neti kriya strengthens the respiratory system, clears the phlegm, clears the sinuses, draws out excessive heat in body, relieves migraine and head aches. Kindly learn this kriya from a trained Yoga teacher under able guidance. It will take 15 to 30 mins to learn the first time and easy to follow as a daily practice.
Step-4: Throat Gargling (1 min): Throat pain/cough are symptomatic of viral infections and keep the throat clear from infections by simple throat gargling with warm salted water.
Step-5 :Pranayam( 4 mins): Kapalbhati pranayam for 4 mins to flush out toxins in the body.
Step-6: Marjariasana(Cat-cow stretch)(1 min) : Enhances spinal flexibility and improves digestion. Relaxes the mind and improves blood circulation to the body. Activates core. All this is key for effective function of the organ systems.
Step-7: Shirshasana(Head stand)( 5 mins): It is termed as the king of yogasanas. Your Endocrinal system strength is paramount to fight any illnesses or handle crisis in life. Especially in maintaining the calm, flushing out the adrenal glands(which is your armour during you get into fight or flight mode during crisis) , relieves stress, develops healthy brain, relieves cough and cold and has innumerable other benefits for overall well being. Invest in learning this asana from a trained yoga teacher. Take time to build core strength first and do the asana with wall support. Gradually as a function of time, you will be able to do without wall support.
Step-8: Balasana(2.5 mins): Follow up Shirsasana with Balasana. Protocol is stay in Balasana for 1/2 the time you held the Headstand. It brings back the blood flow to normalcy after a inversion posture. This is a ultimate rejuvenating pose enhacing blood circulation, improving digestion, releasing fatigue, opens up posterior, and fights insomnia(important during the stressful times of our lives).
Step-9: Vajrasana(2.5 mins): In the end sit in meditative pose for 2.5 mins. It is an answer to digestive disorders like constipation and it strengthens lower body, cures any urinary problems, tones lower body muscles, strengthens digestive system for better nutrition absorption. Sit with head titled slightly up to bring natural focus between the eyebrows. Keep awareness on breath. Initially you may be able to sit for 5 or 10 seconds even. Gradually build strength to sit for 2.5 minutes.
Step-10: End the practice with a little empathetic message from the bottom of your heart to the one and all in the world. Say…
“Loka samastha sukhino bhavantu” meaning “May everyone in the world be happy”
Summary: The 20 minutes early morning routine is recommended being mindful of the vulnerabilities of body viz nose and throat and strengthening the body at the level of organ systems viz digestive, circulatory, nervous, respiratory, excretory and endocrinal systems.
This is my first official post on spreading Yogic wisdom after my Yoga Teachers’ Training Program to be internationally certified as Yoga Teacher! I humbly dedicate this to my teachers who imparted this wisdom to me that I have put into my daily practice that has aided my health and fitness! I continue to work with my fellow yoga teachers in inspiring, institutionalizing to family, friends and those around me, reaching out as far as we can to humanity!
This is my travel blog and this time the journey is inward! When you are quarantined, it is time to open the doors and walls within…
I end this blog by saying that there is so much information all around and this could just be another “2 cents” in the pile to be brushed off after a social media forward. You might also see yourself hit a tipping point where, whatever you do might be insignificant. But is is very important you do it!
I believed it was important for me to come out and do this!
For easier modifications use below table and choose a level to start with and build on it to finally reach a state to be able to do all steps as prescribed.

Download 20 Minutes Yoga Modifications Chart here
Frequently Asked Questions
(1) Can I skip any steps? I do not know how to do Jal neti kriya and headstand. Can I skip those?
Answer: Yes. Start initially with the steps you can do and gradually get to a state when you can do all the steps. When you skip the steps, add up the skipped time to Step-9: Vajrasana and stay in meditation. Refer to ” 20 minutes – AVA Yoga Modifications Chart ” for modifications
(2) Is it important to do the steps in order?
Answer: Yes. The order takes you from warm up, kriya yoga to cleanse internal system to prepare the mind and body for next practice, pranayama to work level of breath, yogasanas to work at level of body and ends with meditation to work at level of mind. Whilst every step works holistically, I have stated where you experience it primarily.
(3) Jal neti and Shirsasana is tough for me? I am doubtful I can get to do all steps.
Answer: Jal neti and Shirsasana are very powerful yogic practices. You may have wanted to learn this and practice this earlier but never found the push so strong. Now is the motivation amidst crisis and you know this is your armour and your avenger making you capable to fight the virus. Use it as tail wind and go achieve it! Tick off the “headstand” on your bucket list earlier than you wanted to. It will take time, but when you put in the effort, you will see it happen. Refer to ” 20 minutes – AVA Yoga Modifications Chart ” for modifications
(4) Is is necessary to hold Shirsasana/Headstand for 5 mins?
Answer: No. Hold as long as you can and follow it up with Balasana, holding the pose for half the time you held headstand. It is okay to start Shirsasana holding it for 5 or 10 seconds and gradually build on it. Refer to ” 20 minutes – AVA Yoga Modifications Chart ” for modifications
(5) I cannot sit in Vajsarana for 2.5 minutes. Is there any other meditative pose?
Answer: Sit for say 5 seconds even in Vajrasana and start to build on it. You can sit in any other comfortable posture like Sukhasana(cross legged pose) in meditation. Use of pillows for support is also OK to build strength and flexibility to stay in Vajrasana. The key is to hold the spine straight. Refer to ” 20 minutes – AVA Yoga Modifications Chart ” for modifications
(6) I cannot wrap my head around to do Shirsasana. It seems very tough. Jal neti seems awkward and Vajrasana is painful.
Answer: Ok. Let us first acknowledge your pain. Go back and think about exams during your growing years, those competetive exams you gave, the challenging career you have been chasing and learning all those skills to get better and better at work, marriage, raising kids, running a house, aging parents and handling your finances. Let me be straight that Headstand, Jal neti and Vajrasana are easier than any of these and it is always works for you. Sometimes your career, marriage, kids, finances doesn’t work for you but this Yoga will work for you. So put in the time and effort. Don’t be harsh on yourself to get it all in the first step. This post is to realize and acknowledge the need to build strength and immunity naturally, slowly and effectively. Refer to ” 20 minutes – AVA Yoga Modifications Chart ” for modifications
(7) Can I learn these Yogic practices through online tutorials?
Answer: The key is to learn from trained Yoga instructor. Yes online tutorials are effective these days. Use your best judgement here though a in-person training is more effective and recommended. It will only take a few classes of personal training and worth the investment.
(8) Who can do this practice and are there any limitations?
Answer: Recommended age is 14+ for this practice. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, discuss with your Yoga teacher for modification. Or write to me in comments section on your pre-existing medical condition and I can recommend alternations to this practice.
Yes Archana this is the excellent exercise and right the pandemic Corona and it will be followed . Brilliantly explained . Once again thank you
Thanks a lot Chitti! As always you are very encouraging!
Great encouragement for the otherwise scared, reading the blog after watching Baba Ramdev on TV on Yoga to fight Corana and Sadhguru live today on corana.
Was not knowing that you are a trained Yoga teacher. I was aware that you are a vivid traveller.
Wishes & all the best.
Thanks a lot for your encouraging words! Humbled!
Great initiative and a great plan. This plan needs to reach out to wider audience.
One recommendation – how about you create a 5-8min video about the steps involved in this 20 min practice?
People will be able to visualize it and start practice. You can also collaborate with someone to do this – just a suggestion.
Once again, great write up and a constructive approach to the present situation.
Thanks a lot Vivek. I have been receiving overwhelming response and need to collaborate to share this more widely. Will discuss with you on this more
Excellent writing ! Encouraging ! Great message in current situation…
Thanks so much Ranjith for encouraging words…
We all need to follow our old practices for improving our Immunity .Very well put together.
Thanks for kind words Suparna
yet again well written blog which is simple , helpful and effective to improve immunity . Thanks for putting it together. have started following 20 min. routine now.